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'/' : extension; }else{ return null; } } /** * pwaForWpgetTTL * @param {string} url */ function pwaForWpgetTTL(url) { if (typeof url === 'string') { let extension = pwaForWpgetFileExtension(url); if (typeof MAX_TTL[extension] === 'number') { return MAX_TTL[extension]; } else { return MAX_TTL["/"]; } } else { return MAX_TTL["/"]; } } /** * pwaForWpinstallServiceWorker * @returns {Promise} */ function pwaForWpinstallServiceWorker() { return Promise.all( [ caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then( (cache) => { if(BASE_CACHE_FILES.length >0){ for (var i = 0; i < BASE_CACHE_FILES.length; i++) { pwaForWpprecacheUrl(BASE_CACHE_FILES[i]) } } //return cache.addAll(BASE_CACHE_FILES); } ), caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.offline) .then( (cache) => { return cache.addAll(OFFLINE_CACHE_FILES); } ), caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.notFound) .then( (cache) => { return cache.addAll(NOT_FOUND_CACHE_FILES); } ) ] ) .then(() => { return self.skipWaiting(); }); } /** * pwaForWpcleanupLegacyCache * @returns {Promise} */ function pwaForWpcleanupLegacyCache() { let currentCaches = Object.keys(CACHE_VERSIONS) .map( (key) => { return CACHE_VERSIONS[key]; } ); return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { caches.keys() .then( (keys) => { return legacyKeys = keys.filter( (key) => { return !~currentCaches.indexOf(key); } ); } ) .then( (legacy) => { if (legacy.length) { Promise.all( legacy.map( (legacyKey) => { return caches.delete(legacyKey) } ) ) .then( () => { resolve() } ) .catch( (err) => { reject(err); } ); } else { resolve(); } } ) .catch( () => { reject(); } ); } ); } function pwaForWpprecacheUrl(url) { if(!pwaForWpisBlackListed(url)) { caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then((cache) => { cache.match(url) .then((response) => { if(!response) { return fetch(url) } else { // already in cache, nothing to do. return null } }) .then((response) => { if(response) { fetch(url).then(dataWrappedByPromise => dataWrappedByPromise.text()) .then(data => { if(data){ const regex = /]+src="(https:\/\/[^">]+)"/g; let m; while ((m = regex.exec(data)) !== null) { if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) { regex.lastIndex++; } m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => { if(groupIndex == 1){ if(new URL(match).origin == location.origin){ fetch(match). then((imagedata) => { //console.log(imagedata); cache.put(match, imagedata.clone()); }); } } }); } } }); return cache.put(url, response.clone()); } else { return null; } }); }) } } var fetchRengeData = function(event){ var pos = Number(/^bytes\=(\d+)\-$/g.exec(event.request.headers.get('range'))[1]); console.log('Range request for', event.request.url, ', starting position:', pos); event.respondWith( caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then(function(cache) { return cache.match(event.request.url); }).then(function(res) { if (!res) { return fetch(event.request) .then(res => { return res.arrayBuffer(); }); } return res.arrayBuffer(); }).then(function(ab) { return new Response( ab.slice(pos), { status: 206, statusText: 'Partial Content', headers: [ // ['Content-Type', 'video/webm'], ['Content-Range', 'bytes ' + pos + '-' + (ab.byteLength - 1) + '/' + ab.byteLength]] }); })); } let cachingStrategy = { notGetMethods: function(event){ // If non-GET request, try the network first, fall back to the offline page if (event.request.method !== 'GET') { event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { return caches.match(offlinePage); }) ); return false; } }, fetchFromCache: function(event){ /* return new Promise( (resolve) => {*/ return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then( (cache) => { return cache.match(event.request) .then( (response) => { if (response) { let headers = response.headers.entries(); let date = null; for (let pair of headers) { if (pair[0] === 'date') { date = new Date(pair[1]); } } if (date) { let age = parseInt((new Date().getTime() - date.getTime())/1000); let ttl = pwaForWpgetTTL(event.request.url); if (age > ttl) { return new Promise( (resolve) => { return fetch(event.request.clone()) .then( (updatedResponse) => { if (updatedResponse) { cache.put(event.request, updatedResponse.clone()); resolve(updatedResponse); } else { resolve(response) } } ) .catch( () => { resolve(response); } ); } ) .catch( (err) => { return response; } ); } else { return response; } } else { return response; } } else { return null; } } ) .then( (response) => { if (response) { return response; } else { return fetch(event.request.clone()) .then( (response) => { if(response.status < 300) { if (~SUPPORTED_METHODS.indexOf(event.request.method) && !pwaForWpisBlackListed(event.request.url)) { cache.put(event.request, response.clone()); } return response; } else { return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.notFound).then((cache) => { return cache.match(NOT_FOUND_PAGE); }) } } ) .then((response) => { if(response) { return response; } }) .catch( () => { return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.offline) .then( (offlineCache) => { return offlineCache.match(OFFLINE_PAGE) } ) } ); } } ) .catch( (error) => { console.error(' Error in fetch handler:', error); throw error; } ); } ) /*})*/ }, fetchnetwork: function(event){ return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then( (cache) => { return fetch(event.request.clone()).then(function (response) { if(response.status < 300) { if (~SUPPORTED_METHODS.indexOf(event.request.method) && !pwaForWpisBlackListed(event.request.url)) { cache.put(event.request, response.clone()); } return response; }else if(response.status==404){ return cachingStrategy.Notfoundpage(); } else if( cache.match(event.request) ){ return cache.match(event.request); }else { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage(); } }).catch( (err) => { return cache.match(event.request) } ).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage(); } ) } ).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage(); } ) }, addCache: function(event,updatedResponse){ cache.put(event.request, updatedResponse.clone()); resolve(updatedResponse); }, Offlinepage: function(){ return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.offline).then((cache) => { return cache.match(OFFLINE_PAGE); }) }, Notfoundpage: function(){ return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.notFound).then((cache) => { return cache.match(NOT_FOUND_PAGE); }) }, /*Strategies*/ networkOnlyStrategy: function(event){ return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.content) .then( (cache) => { return fetch(event.request.clone()).then(function (response) { if(response.status < 300) { if (~SUPPORTED_METHODS.indexOf(event.request.method) && !pwaForWpisBlackListed(event.request.url)) { cache.put(event.request, response.clone()); } return response; }else if(response.status==404){ return cachingStrategy.Notfoundpage(); } else if(cache.match(event.request)){ return cache.match(event.request) } else { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage(); } }).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage(); } ) } ).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage() } ); }, cacheFirstStrategy: function(events){ return cachingStrategy.fetchFromCache(events).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage() } ); }, NeworkFirstStrategy: function(events){ return cachingStrategy.fetchnetwork(events).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.fetchFromCache(events) } ).catch( (err) => { return cachingStrategy.Offlinepage() } ); } } self.addEventListener( 'install', event => { event.waitUntil( Promise.all([ pwaForWpinstallServiceWorker(), self.skipWaiting(), ]) ); } ); // The activate handler takes care of cleaning up old caches. self.addEventListener( 'activate', event => { event.waitUntil( Promise.all( [ pwaForWpcleanupLegacyCache(), self.clients.claim(), self.skipWaiting(), ] ) .catch( (err) => { self.skipWaiting(); } ) ); } ); self.addEventListener('online', event => { if (navigator.onLine && navigator.standalone === true) { isReachable(event.request.url).then(function(online) { if (online) { //handle online status caches.delete(event.request.url); console.log('online'); } else { console.log('no connectivity'); } }); } else { //handle offline status console.log('offline'); } }); function isReachable(url) { /** * Note: fetch() still "succeeds" for 404s on subdirectories, * which is ok when only testing for domain reachability. */ return fetch(url, { method: 'HEAD', mode: 'no-cors' }) .then(function(resp) { return resp && (resp.ok || resp.type === 'opaque'); }) .catch(function(err) { console.warn('[conn test failure]:', err); }); } self.addEventListener( 'fetch', event => { // Return if the current request url is in the never cache list if ( ! neverCacheUrls.every(pwaForWpcheckNeverCacheList, event.request.url) ) { //console.log( 'PWA ServiceWorker: URL exists in excluded list of cache.' + event.request.url); return; } if(! neverCacheUrls.every(pwaForWpcheckNeverCacheList, event.request.referrer) ){ //console.log( 'PWA ServiceWorker: Ref-URL exists in excluded list of cache.' + event.request.referrer); return; } if(pwaForWpisBlackListed(event.request.url)){ return; } // Return if request url protocal isn't http or https if ( ! event.request.url.match(/^(http|https):\/\//i) ) return; if ( event.request.referrer.match(/^(wp-admin):\/\//i) ) return; if ( new URL(event.request.url).origin !== location.origin ) return; if (event.request.headers.get('range')) { fetchRengeData(event); } else { if(event.request.method !== 'GET' ){ event.respondWith( fetch(event.request) .catch(error => { return caches.open(CACHE_VERSIONS.offline).then(function(cache) { return cache.match(OFFLINE_URL); }); }) ); return false; } const destination = event.request.destination; switch (destination) { case 'style': case 'script': cachingStrategyType = CACHE_STRATEGY.css_js; break; case 'document': cachingStrategyType = CACHE_STRATEGY.default break; case 'image': cachingStrategyType = CACHE_STRATEGY.images; break; case 'font': cachingStrategyType = CACHE_STRATEGY.fonts; break; // All `XMLHttpRequest` or `fetch()` calls where // `Request.destination` is the empty string default value default: cachingStrategyType = CACHE_STRATEGY.default } var cache = null; switch(cachingStrategyType){ case "networkFirst": cache = cachingStrategy.NeworkFirstStrategy(event) break; case "networkOnly": cache = cachingStrategy.networkOnlyStrategy(event) break; //break; case "cacheFirst": case "staleWhileRevalidate": default: cache = cachingStrategy.cacheFirstStrategy(event) break; } event.respondWith(cache); } } ); self.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if( typeof event.data === 'object' && typeof event.data.action === 'string' ) { switch(event.data.action) { case 'cache' : pwaForWpprecacheUrl(event.data.url); break; default : console.log('Unknown action: ' + event.data.action); break; } } });